Resúmenes Epistemonikos
Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6140 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.04.6140
¿Son beneficiosas las estatinas en la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica?
Are statins beneficial for chronic heart failure?
Carmen Rain, Gabriel Rada
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There is controversy about the role of statins in chronic heart failure. Even though it is clear they decrease inflammatory markers and probably improve some echocardiographic parameters, it is not clear if they impact clinically important outcomes. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening 30 databases, we identified six systematic reviews including 21 randomized trials. We combined the evidence using meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach. We concluded statins in chronic heart failure do not decrease mortality, and might lead to little or no decrease in hospitalizations for heart failure or other clinical outcomes.


Apart from their main effect on serum lipid levels, statins have pleiotropic properties, such as antihypertrophic, antifibrotic, antioxidant and inhibitors of neurohumoral activation, all of which are involved in the patophysiology of heart failure. Some studies have shown an improvement in ejection fraction and a decrease in inflammatory biomarkers, however it is not clear if they impact clinically important outcomes.


We used Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening more than 30 databases, to identify systematic reviews and their included primary studies. With this information we generated a structured summary using a pre-established format, which includes key messages, a summary of the body of evidence (presented as an evidence matrix in Epistemonikos), meta-analysis of the total of studies, a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach and a table of other considerations for decision-making.

Key messages

  • Statins in chronic heart failure do not decrease mortality, and might lead to little or no decrease in hospitalizations for heart failure.
  • The conclusions of this summary are in agreement with most systematic reviews identified and with the main guidelines.

About the body of evidence for this question

What is the evidence.

See evidence matrix in Epistemonikos later

We found six systematic reviews [1-6] including 29 primary studies [7–35], from which 21 correspond to randomised controlled trials [7],[9-12],[15-21],[26-34].

This table and the summary in general are based on the latter.

What types of patients were included

The studies included patients with heart failure from all causes receiving standard treatment.

Most studies only included patients with low ejection fraction, except three studies [16],[19],[33], but the average ejection fraction on these was 33%, 42% and 28% respectively.

Four studies[10],[11],[28],[35], included patients with NYHA functional class I, 18 functional class II [7],[10-12],[15-21],[25],[27-29],[33-35]; all included functional class III and six included functional class IV [16],[17],[25],[29],[30],[34].

The average LDL cholesterol level ranged from 96 to 167 mg/dL in the different studies.

What types of interventions were included

Fifteen studies evaluated atorvastatin [7],[10-12],[15],[20],[26],[28-35], three rosuvastatin [16-18], one cerivastatin [19], one pitavastatin [27] and one simvastatin [21].

All studies used placebo as comparator.

What types of outcomes were measured

Total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, hospitalization for heart failure, nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke, echocardiographic parameters, inflammatory biomarkers, B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) levels, QT interval, NYHA functional class.

Summary of findings

The information on the effects of statins is based on 21 randomized controlled trials. Sixteen studies reported mortality by any cause and 14 studies reported the risk of hospitalization for heart failure.

  • Statins in chronic heart failure do not decrease mortality. The certainty of the evidence is high.
  • Statins in chronic heart failure might lead to little o no decrease in hospitalizations for heart failure. The certainty of the evidence is low.

Statins beneficial for chronic heart failure

Other considerations for decision-making

To whom this evidence does and does not apply

  • This evidence applies to chronic heart failure patients with low ejection fraction that do not require statins for other reasons, with no difference expected by etiology or functional class.
  • It does not apply to patients with previous coronary or atherosclerotic events, which is a clear indication of statins as secondary prevention.
  • It is difficult to make a judgement regarding if some of patients included in these studies should have received statins based on their cholesterol level. It is reasonable to evaluate this in a case by case basis, incorporating individualized cardiovascular risk.
 About the outcomes included in this summary
  • The outcomes presented in this summary are those considered critical for decision making in the main guidelines, the systematic reviews identified and by the authors of this summary. 
 Balance between benefits and risks, and certainty of the evidence
  • Statins constitute a low risk intervention, with mild adverse effects. However, it is difficult to balance benefits and harms because the certainty of the evidence is low for the outcome where there might be some effect.
  • If the benefit was certain, it would be reasonable to favour this intervention for patients with a higher risk of hospitalization that have not presented important adverse effects.
 Resource considerations
  • Statins have low cost. However, it is difficult to balance cost and benefit because the certainty of the evidence is low. However, it is unlikely that this factor would determine the decision. 

Differences between this summary and other sources

  • The systematic reviews differ in their conclusions, and some even state there is a clear mortality benefit [1].
  • This summary is in agreement with the main guidelines addressing this question [36],[37] which conclude there is no benefit in heart failure patients. It partially disagrees regarding the effect on hospitalization risk, since we do not discard a small effect on this less critical outcome.
Could this evidence change in the future?
  • The probability that the information on effect of statins on mortality change in the future is very low.
  • There might be a change regarding hospitalization risk. However, we did not identify any ongoing study answering this question.
How we conducted this summary

Using automated and collaborative means, we compiled all the relevant evidence for the question of interest and we present it as a matrix of evidence

Matrix of evidence

Follow the link to access the interactive version Statins for chronic heart failure


The upper portion of the matrix of evidence will display a warning of “new evidence” if new systematic reviews are published after the publication of this summary. Even though the project considers the periodical update of these summaries, users are invited to comment in Medwave or to contact the authors through email if they find new evidence and the summary should be updated earlier. After creating an account in Epistemonikos, users will be able to save the matrixes and to receive automated notifications any time new evidence potentially relevant for the question appears.

The details about the methods used to produce these summaries are described here

Epistemonikos foundation is a non-for-profit organization aiming to bring information closer to health decision-makers with technology. Its main development is Epistemonikos database (

These summaries follow a rigorous process of internal peer review.

Conflicts of interest
The authors do not have relevant interests to declare.

Matrix of evidence
Licencia Creative Commons Esta obra de Medwave está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 Unported. Esta licencia permite el uso, distribución y reproducción del artículo en cualquier medio, siempre y cuando se otorgue el crédito correspondiente al autor del artículo y al medio en que se publica, en este caso, Medwave.


There is controversy about the role of statins in chronic heart failure. Even though it is clear they decrease inflammatory markers and probably improve some echocardiographic parameters, it is not clear if they impact clinically important outcomes. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening 30 databases, we identified six systematic reviews including 21 randomized trials. We combined the evidence using meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach. We concluded statins in chronic heart failure do not decrease mortality, and might lead to little or no decrease in hospitalizations for heart failure or other clinical outcomes.

Autores: Carmen Rain[1,5], Gabriel Rada[1,2,3,4,5]

[1] Programa de Salud Basada en Evidencia, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
[2] Departamento de Medicina Interna, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
[3] GRADE working group
[4] The Cochrane Collaboration
[5] Proyecto Epistemonikos


Correspondencia a:
[1] Facultad de Medicina
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Lira 63
Santiago Centro

Citación: Rain C, Rada G. Are statins beneficial for chronic heart failure?. Medwave 2015 May;15(4):e6140 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.04.6140

Fecha de publicación: 27/5/2015

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  1. Wang JQ, Wu GR, Wang Z, Dai XP, Li XR. Long-term clinical outcomes of statin use for chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of 15 prospective studies. Heart Lung Circ. 2014 Feb;23(2):105-13. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  2. Liu G, Zheng X-X, Xu Y-L, Lu J, Hui R-T, Huang X-H. Effects of lipophilic statins for heart failure: a meta-analysis of 13 randomised controlled trials. Heart Lung Circ. 2014 Oct;23(10):970–7. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  3. Lipinski MJ, Cauthen CA, Biondi-Zoccai GG, Abbate A, Vrtovec B, Khan BV, et al. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of statins versus placebo in patients with heart failure. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Dec 15;104(12):1708-16. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  4. Savarese G, Musella F, D'Amore C, Vassallo E, Losco T, Gambardella F. Changes of natriuretic peptides predict hospital admissions in patients with chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis. JACC Heart Fail. 2014 Apr;2(2):148-58. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  5. Zhang L, Zhang S, Jiang H, Sun A, Zou Y, Ge J. Effects of statin treatment on cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clin Cardiol. 2011 Feb;34(2):117-23. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  6. Zhang S, Zhang L, Sun A, Jiang H, Qian J, Ge J. Efficacy of statin therapy in chronic systolic cardiac insufficiency: a meta-analysis. Eur J Intern Med. 2011 Oct;22(5):478-84. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  7. Abulhul E, McDonald K, Martos R, Phelan D, Spiers JP, Hennessy M, et al. Long-term statin therapy in patients with systolic heart failure and normal cholesterol: effects on elevated serum markers of collagen turnover, inflammation, and B-type natriuretic peptide. Clin Ther. 2012 Jan;34(1):91–100. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  8. Jordán AJ, Anguita MP; BADAPIC study researchers. Effect of statin treatment on mortality in a large cohort of heart failure patients. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009 Mar;62(3):323-7. | PubMed |
  9. Go AS, Lee WY, Yang J, Lo JC, Gurwitz JH. Statin therapy and risks for death and hospitalization in chronic heart failure. JAMA. 2006 Nov 1;296(17):2105-11. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  10. Bleske BE, Nicklas JM, Bard RL, Brook RD, Gurbel PA, Bliden KP, et al. Neutral effect on markers of heart failure, inflammation, endothelial activation and function, and vagal tone after high-dose HMG-CoA reductase inhibition in non-diabetic patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and average low-density lipoprotein level. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 17;47(2):338-41. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  11. Bielecka-Dabrowa A, Goch JH, Mikhailidis DP, Rysz J, Maciejewski M, Banach M. The influence of atorvastatin on parameters of inflammation and function of the left ventricle in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Med Sci Monit. 2009 Dec;15(12):MS12-23. | PubMed | Link |
  12. Strey CH, Young JM, Lainchbury JH, Frampton CM, Nicholls MG, Richards AM, et al. Short-term statin treatment improves endothelial function and neurohormonal imbalance in normocholesterolaemic patients with non-ischaemic heart failure. Heart. 2006 Nov;92(11):1603-9. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  13. Gomez-Soto FM, Romero SP, Bernal JA, Escobar MA, Puerto JL, Andrey JL, et al. Mortality and morbidity of newly diagnosed heart failure treated with statins: a propensity-adjusted cohort study. Int J Cardiol. 2010 Apr 15;140(2):210-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  14. Fukuta H, Sane DC, Brucks S, Little WC. Statin therapy may be associated with lower mortality in patients with diastolic heart failure: a preliminary report. Circulation. 2005 Jul 19;112(3):357-63. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  15. Hamaad A, Sosin M, Lip GY, MacFadyen RJ. Short-term adjuvant atorvastatin improves frequency domain indices of heart rate variability in stable systolic heart failure. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2005 May;19(3):183-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  16. Gissi-HF Investigators, Tavazzi L, Maggioni AP, Marchioli R, Barlera S, Franzosi MG, et al. Effect of rosuvastatin in patients with chronic heart failure (the GISSI-HF trial): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2008 Oct 4;372(9645):1231-9. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  17. Kjekshus J, Apetrei E, Barrios V, Böhm M, Cleland JG, Cornel JH, et al. Rosuvastatin in older patients with systolic heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2007 Nov 29;357(22):2248-61. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  18. Krum H, Ashton E, Reid C, Kalff V, Rogers J, Amarena J, et al. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of high-dose HMG CoA reductase inhibitor therapy on ventricular remodeling, pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurohormonal parameters in patients with chronic systolic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2007 Feb;13(1):1-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  19. Laufs U, Wassmann S, Schackmann S, Heeschen C, Böhm M, Nickenig G. Beneficial effects of statins in patients with non-ischemic heart failure. Z Kardiol. 2004 Feb;93(2):103-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  20. Mozaffarian D, Minami E, Letterer RA, Lawler RL, McDonald GB, Levy WC. The effects of atorvastatin (10 mg) on systemic inflammation in heart failure. Am J Cardiol. 2005 Dec 15;96(12):1699-704. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  21. Node K, Fujita M, Kitakaze M, Hori M, Liao JK. Short-term statin therapy improves cardiac function and symptoms in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 2003 Aug 19;108(7):839-43. Epub 2003 Jul 28. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  22. Huan Loh P, Windram JD, Tin L, Reddy P, Velavan P, Rigby AS, et al. The effects of initiation or continuation of statin therapy on cholesterol level and all-cause mortality after the diagnosis of left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Am Heart J. 2007 Apr;153(4):537-44. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  23. Roik M, Starczewska MH, Huczek Z, Kochanowski J, Opolski G. Statin therapy and mortality among patients hospitalized with heart failure and preserved left ventricular function--a preliminary report. Acta Cardiol. 2008 Dec;63(6):683-92. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  24. Anker SD, Clark AL, Winkler R, Zugck C, Cicoira M, Ponikowski P, et al. Statin use and survival in patients with chronic heart failure--results from two observational studies with 5200 patients. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Sep 20;112(2):234-42. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  25. Sola S, Mir MQ, Rajagopalan S, Helmy T, Tandon N, Khan BV. Statin therapy is associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes and levels of inflammatory markers in patients with heart failure. J Card Fail. 2005 Oct;11(8):607-12. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  26. Sola S, Mir MQ, Lerakis S, Tandon N, Khan BV. Atorvastatin improves left ventricular systolic function and serum markers of inflammation in nonischemic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 17;47(2):332-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  27. Takano H, Mizuma H, Kuwabara Y, Sato Y, Shindo S, Kotooka N, et al. Effects of pitavastatin in Japanese patients with chronic heart failure: the Pitavastatin Heart Failure Study (PEARL Study). Circ J. 2013;77(4):917-25. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  28. Horwich TB, Middlekauff HR, Maclellan WR, Fonarow GC. Statins do not significantly affect muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans with nonischemic heart failure: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Card Fail. 2011 Nov;17(11):879-86. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  29. Tousoulis D, Antoniades C, Bosinakou E, Kotsopoulou M, Pitsavos C, Vlachopoulos C, et al. Effects of atorvastatin on reactive hyperemia and inflammatory process in patients with congestive heart failure. Atherosclerosis. 2005 Feb;178(2):359-63. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  30. Tousoulis D, Antoniades C, Vassiliadou C, Toutouza M, Pitsavos C, Tentolouris C, et al. Effects of combined administration of low dose atorvastatin and vitamin E on inflammatory markers and endothelial function in patients with heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. 2005 Dec;7(7):1126-32. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  31. Vrtovec B, Okrajsek R, Golicnik A, Ferjan M, Starc V, Radovancevic B. Atorvastatin therapy increases heart rate variability, decreases QT variability, and shortens QTc interval duration in patients with advanced chronic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2005 Dec;11(9):684-90. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  32. Vrtovec B, Okrajsek R, Golicnik A, Ferjan M, Starc V, Schlegel TT, et al. Atorvastatin therapy may reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients with advanced chronic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2008 Mar;14(2):140-4. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  33. Wojnicz R, Wilczek K, Nowalany-Kozielska E, Szyguła-Jurkiewicz B, Nowak J, Poloński L, et al. Usefulness of atorvastatin in patients with heart failure due to inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy and elevated cholesterol levels. Am J Cardiol. 2006 Mar 15;97(6):899-904. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  34. Xie RQ, Cui W, Liu F, Yang C, Pei WN, Lu JC. Statin therapy shortens QTc, QTcd, and improves cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure. Int J Cardiol. 2010 Apr 15;140(2):255-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  35. Yamada T, Node K, Mine T, Morita T, Kioka H, Tsukamoto Y, et al. Long-term effect of atorvastatin on neurohumoral activation and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure: a prospective randomized controlled study. Am Heart J. 2007 Jun;153(6):1055.e1-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  36. McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, Auricchio A, Böhm M, Dickstein K, et al. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur Heart J. 2012 Jul;33(14):1787-847. | CrossRef |
  37. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, Butler J, Casey DE Jr, Drazner MH, et al. 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines. Circulation. 2013 Oct 15;128(16):e240-327. | CrossRef | PubMed |
Wang JQ, Wu GR, Wang Z, Dai XP, Li XR. Long-term clinical outcomes of statin use for chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of 15 prospective studies. Heart Lung Circ. 2014 Feb;23(2):105-13. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Liu G, Zheng X-X, Xu Y-L, Lu J, Hui R-T, Huang X-H. Effects of lipophilic statins for heart failure: a meta-analysis of 13 randomised controlled trials. Heart Lung Circ. 2014 Oct;23(10):970–7. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Lipinski MJ, Cauthen CA, Biondi-Zoccai GG, Abbate A, Vrtovec B, Khan BV, et al. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of statins versus placebo in patients with heart failure. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Dec 15;104(12):1708-16. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Savarese G, Musella F, D'Amore C, Vassallo E, Losco T, Gambardella F. Changes of natriuretic peptides predict hospital admissions in patients with chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis. JACC Heart Fail. 2014 Apr;2(2):148-58. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Zhang L, Zhang S, Jiang H, Sun A, Zou Y, Ge J. Effects of statin treatment on cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clin Cardiol. 2011 Feb;34(2):117-23. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Zhang S, Zhang L, Sun A, Jiang H, Qian J, Ge J. Efficacy of statin therapy in chronic systolic cardiac insufficiency: a meta-analysis. Eur J Intern Med. 2011 Oct;22(5):478-84. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Abulhul E, McDonald K, Martos R, Phelan D, Spiers JP, Hennessy M, et al. Long-term statin therapy in patients with systolic heart failure and normal cholesterol: effects on elevated serum markers of collagen turnover, inflammation, and B-type natriuretic peptide. Clin Ther. 2012 Jan;34(1):91–100. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Jordán AJ, Anguita MP; BADAPIC study researchers. Effect of statin treatment on mortality in a large cohort of heart failure patients. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009 Mar;62(3):323-7. | PubMed |

Go AS, Lee WY, Yang J, Lo JC, Gurwitz JH. Statin therapy and risks for death and hospitalization in chronic heart failure. JAMA. 2006 Nov 1;296(17):2105-11. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Bleske BE, Nicklas JM, Bard RL, Brook RD, Gurbel PA, Bliden KP, et al. Neutral effect on markers of heart failure, inflammation, endothelial activation and function, and vagal tone after high-dose HMG-CoA reductase inhibition in non-diabetic patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and average low-density lipoprotein level. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 17;47(2):338-41. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Bielecka-Dabrowa A, Goch JH, Mikhailidis DP, Rysz J, Maciejewski M, Banach M. The influence of atorvastatin on parameters of inflammation and function of the left ventricle in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Med Sci Monit. 2009 Dec;15(12):MS12-23. | PubMed | Link |

Strey CH, Young JM, Lainchbury JH, Frampton CM, Nicholls MG, Richards AM, et al. Short-term statin treatment improves endothelial function and neurohormonal imbalance in normocholesterolaemic patients with non-ischaemic heart failure. Heart. 2006 Nov;92(11):1603-9. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Gomez-Soto FM, Romero SP, Bernal JA, Escobar MA, Puerto JL, Andrey JL, et al. Mortality and morbidity of newly diagnosed heart failure treated with statins: a propensity-adjusted cohort study. Int J Cardiol. 2010 Apr 15;140(2):210-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Fukuta H, Sane DC, Brucks S, Little WC. Statin therapy may be associated with lower mortality in patients with diastolic heart failure: a preliminary report. Circulation. 2005 Jul 19;112(3):357-63. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Hamaad A, Sosin M, Lip GY, MacFadyen RJ. Short-term adjuvant atorvastatin improves frequency domain indices of heart rate variability in stable systolic heart failure. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2005 May;19(3):183-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Gissi-HF Investigators, Tavazzi L, Maggioni AP, Marchioli R, Barlera S, Franzosi MG, et al. Effect of rosuvastatin in patients with chronic heart failure (the GISSI-HF trial): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2008 Oct 4;372(9645):1231-9. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Kjekshus J, Apetrei E, Barrios V, Böhm M, Cleland JG, Cornel JH, et al. Rosuvastatin in older patients with systolic heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2007 Nov 29;357(22):2248-61. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Krum H, Ashton E, Reid C, Kalff V, Rogers J, Amarena J, et al. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of high-dose HMG CoA reductase inhibitor therapy on ventricular remodeling, pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurohormonal parameters in patients with chronic systolic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2007 Feb;13(1):1-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Laufs U, Wassmann S, Schackmann S, Heeschen C, Böhm M, Nickenig G. Beneficial effects of statins in patients with non-ischemic heart failure. Z Kardiol. 2004 Feb;93(2):103-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Mozaffarian D, Minami E, Letterer RA, Lawler RL, McDonald GB, Levy WC. The effects of atorvastatin (10 mg) on systemic inflammation in heart failure. Am J Cardiol. 2005 Dec 15;96(12):1699-704. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Node K, Fujita M, Kitakaze M, Hori M, Liao JK. Short-term statin therapy improves cardiac function and symptoms in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 2003 Aug 19;108(7):839-43. Epub 2003 Jul 28. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Huan Loh P, Windram JD, Tin L, Reddy P, Velavan P, Rigby AS, et al. The effects of initiation or continuation of statin therapy on cholesterol level and all-cause mortality after the diagnosis of left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Am Heart J. 2007 Apr;153(4):537-44. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Roik M, Starczewska MH, Huczek Z, Kochanowski J, Opolski G. Statin therapy and mortality among patients hospitalized with heart failure and preserved left ventricular function--a preliminary report. Acta Cardiol. 2008 Dec;63(6):683-92. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Anker SD, Clark AL, Winkler R, Zugck C, Cicoira M, Ponikowski P, et al. Statin use and survival in patients with chronic heart failure--results from two observational studies with 5200 patients. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Sep 20;112(2):234-42. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Sola S, Mir MQ, Rajagopalan S, Helmy T, Tandon N, Khan BV. Statin therapy is associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes and levels of inflammatory markers in patients with heart failure. J Card Fail. 2005 Oct;11(8):607-12. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Sola S, Mir MQ, Lerakis S, Tandon N, Khan BV. Atorvastatin improves left ventricular systolic function and serum markers of inflammation in nonischemic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 17;47(2):332-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Takano H, Mizuma H, Kuwabara Y, Sato Y, Shindo S, Kotooka N, et al. Effects of pitavastatin in Japanese patients with chronic heart failure: the Pitavastatin Heart Failure Study (PEARL Study). Circ J. 2013;77(4):917-25. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Horwich TB, Middlekauff HR, Maclellan WR, Fonarow GC. Statins do not significantly affect muscle sympathetic nerve activity in humans with nonischemic heart failure: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Card Fail. 2011 Nov;17(11):879-86. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Tousoulis D, Antoniades C, Bosinakou E, Kotsopoulou M, Pitsavos C, Vlachopoulos C, et al. Effects of atorvastatin on reactive hyperemia and inflammatory process in patients with congestive heart failure. Atherosclerosis. 2005 Feb;178(2):359-63. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Tousoulis D, Antoniades C, Vassiliadou C, Toutouza M, Pitsavos C, Tentolouris C, et al. Effects of combined administration of low dose atorvastatin and vitamin E on inflammatory markers and endothelial function in patients with heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. 2005 Dec;7(7):1126-32. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Vrtovec B, Okrajsek R, Golicnik A, Ferjan M, Starc V, Radovancevic B. Atorvastatin therapy increases heart rate variability, decreases QT variability, and shortens QTc interval duration in patients with advanced chronic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2005 Dec;11(9):684-90. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Vrtovec B, Okrajsek R, Golicnik A, Ferjan M, Starc V, Schlegel TT, et al. Atorvastatin therapy may reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients with advanced chronic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2008 Mar;14(2):140-4. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Wojnicz R, Wilczek K, Nowalany-Kozielska E, Szyguła-Jurkiewicz B, Nowak J, Poloński L, et al. Usefulness of atorvastatin in patients with heart failure due to inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy and elevated cholesterol levels. Am J Cardiol. 2006 Mar 15;97(6):899-904. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Xie RQ, Cui W, Liu F, Yang C, Pei WN, Lu JC. Statin therapy shortens QTc, QTcd, and improves cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure. Int J Cardiol. 2010 Apr 15;140(2):255-7. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Yamada T, Node K, Mine T, Morita T, Kioka H, Tsukamoto Y, et al. Long-term effect of atorvastatin on neurohumoral activation and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure: a prospective randomized controlled study. Am Heart J. 2007 Jun;153(6):1055.e1-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |

McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, Auricchio A, Böhm M, Dickstein K, et al. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur Heart J. 2012 Jul;33(14):1787-847. | CrossRef |

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