Medwave 2017 Mar;17(2):e6883 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.02.6883
Colaboración íbero-americana en Medwave a propósito del Día Mundial del Corazón
The World Heart Day prompts an Ibero-American collaboration
Alberto Morales Salinas, Adrian Baranchuk, Antoni Bayés de Luna
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Non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of total morbidity and mortality in the world and Ibero-American too, comprising mainly cardiovascular diseases. cardiovascular diseases cause approximately 17.5 million deaths annually (46% of all deaths are due to Non-communicable diseases), and 6 million of these deaths occur prematurely in people between 30 and 70 years old [1],[2],[3],[4].

Ibero-American health statistics has several contrasts, determined by the socio-economic and health systems development of each region [4]. However, the old stereotype of cardiovascular diseases affecting only stressed, overweight middle-aged men from developed countries no longer applies. For example, life expectancy in Chile and Haiti are 80.5 and 63.5 years, respectively, but the percentage of premature mortality due to Non-communicable diseases in Haiti is double than in Chile (23.9% vs. 11.9%, respectively) [4]. The combined burden of Non-communicable diseases and communicable diseases are rising faster among lower-income countries and communities, where they impose large, avoidable costs in human, social and economic terms.

Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases had a low priority on the global health agenda until few years ago [5],[6]. The excellent scenario of the Millennium Goals was missed in order to advance in the strategies of the cardiovascular diseases prevention [7]. In this sense, it is important to highlight the first great global initiative: the celebration of the World Heart Day in 2000, under the auspices of the World Heart Federation [8].

After 17 years of this strategy led by the World Heart Federation during the presidency of Dr. Bayes de Luna (see Figure 1) [8], the burden of cardiovascular diseases has not changed significantly; mainly because cardiovascular prevention depends on multiple bio-psycho-social factors and the long-term adherence to medical advice are often low.1 It is also necessary to alert, the increased attributable deaths trend to obesity and diabetes mellitus, two pathologies closely related with the globalization of the "diabetogenic environment" (high consumption of sugars and saturated fat, and sedentary lifestyle) [1], [9].

Figure 1. Members of the World Heart Federation. In 2000 they approved the "World Heart Day" campaign in the city of Vic, Spain. From left to right: Tak-Fu-Tse, Marianne Burle de Figueiredo, John Chalmers; Antoni Bayes de Luna; Darwin R Labarthe and Leslie Busk.

Today, global awareness about the burden of the cardiovascular diseases is better and there are several international projects related to cardiovascular prevention, such as HEARTS. This project, sponsored by the World Health Organization, the World Heart Federation, the Pan American Health Organization, the World Stroke Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Hypertension League and the International Society of Hypertension, proposes the intervention on six key aspects: (a) Healthy lifestyle, (b) Evidence-based treatment protocols, C) Access to essential medicines and technology, d) Risk-based management, e) Team care and task-sharing, and f) Systems for monitoring [10].

In this sense, we welcome the international initiatives focused on health providers. Improving medical competence and performance are key aspects of cardiovascular prevention [1]. Precisely, Medwave journal proposes a full cardiovascular issue, [11] with interesting papers about various topics such as dyslipidemia [12], hypertensive crisis [13], syncope [14],[15], diabetes mellitus [16], heart failure [16],[17], aortic stenosis [18], coronary artery disease [19], cardiomyopathies [19], arrhythmias [20],[21] and risk scores [22]. Some of these reviews highlighted the value of the new non-invasive imaging techniques [18],[19] and the "rejuvenated" electrocardiogram [15],[21] from Einthoven, to improve cardiovascular risk assessment.

Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude and to recognize the enthusiasm and professionalism of the authors of this cardiovascular issue and the Medwave journal team, to contribute to this new World Heart Day project.


From the editor
The authors originally submitted this article in Spanish and subsequently translated it into English. The Journal has not copyedited this version.

Declaration of conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no potential conflicts of interest with the topic addressed in the article.

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Autores: Alberto Morales Salinas[1], Adrian Baranchuk[2], Antoni Bayés de Luna[3]

[1] Cardiocentro "Ernesto Che Guevara", Villa Clara, Cuba
[2] Division of Cardiology, Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
[3] Instituto Catalán de Ciencias Cardiovasculares, Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona, España

E-mail: cardioams@yahoo.es

Correspondencia a:
[1] Colon 473
Esquina Estrada Palma y Misionero
Santa Clara
Villa Clara

Citación: Morales Salinas A, Baranchuk A, Bayés de Luna A. The World Heart Day prompts an Ibero-American collaboration. Medwave 2017 Mar;17(2):e6883 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.02.6883

Fecha de envío: 21/2/2017

Fecha de aceptación: 23/2/2017

Fecha de publicación: 17/3/2017

Origen: Este editorial forma parte del Suplemento 4 Especial de Cardiología cuyo editor invitado es el Dr. Alberto Morales Salinas

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  1. Piepoli MF, Hoes AW, Agewall S, Albus C, Brotons C, Catapano AL, et al. 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts)Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR). Eur Heart J. 2016 Aug 1;37(29):2315-81. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  2. Moran AE, Forouzanfar MH, Roth GA, Mensah GA, Ezzati M, Murray CJ, et al. Temporal trends in ischemic heart disease mortality in 21 world regions, 1980 to 2010: the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Circulation. 2014 Apr 8;129(14):1483-92. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  3. Elosua R, Morales-Salinas A. Determinación del riesgo cardiovascular global. Caracterización, modelización y objetivos de la prevención cardiovascular según el contexto socio-geográfico. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2011;11(E):2-12.
  4. World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs who.int [on line]. | Link |
  5. Fuster V, Voute J, Hunn M, Smith SC Jr. Low priority of cardiovascular and chronic diseases on the global health agenda: a cause for concern. Circulation. 2007 Oct 23;116(17):1966-70. | PubMed |
  6. Morales Salinas A, Coca A. [Concerning World Heart Day]. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2006 Feb;59(2):184. | PubMed |
  7. La OMS y los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. Who.int [on line]. | Link |
  8. Bayés de Luna A, Tse TF, de Figueiredo MB, Maranhão M, Voûte J, Nishtar S, et al. World Heart Day: a World Heart Federation enterprise promoting the prevention of heart disease and stroke across the world. Circulation. 2003 Sep 2;108(9):1038-40. | PubMed |
  9. Morales Salinas A, Coca A. [Obesity, physical activity and cardiovascular risk: ergoanthropometric classification, pharmacological variables, biomarkers and "obesity paradox"]. Med Clin (Barc). 2010 Apr 17;134(11):492-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  10. Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, et al. A call to action and a lifecourse strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: the Lancet Commission on hypertension. Lancet. 2016 Nov 26;388(10060):2665-2712. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  11. Varios autores. Especial Cardiología 2016. Especial cardiologia: septiembre-diciembre 2016. Medwave 2016 Sep;16(Suppl4). | Link |
  12. Bertomeu-Martínez V. [Are therapeutic LDL goals justified? Controversies between the European and American guidelines]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 30;16(Suppl4):e6825. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  13. Sobrino Martínez J, Doménech Feria-Carot M, Morales Salinas A, Coca Payeras A. [Hypertensive crisis: urgency and hypertensive emergency]. Medwave. 2016 Nov18;16(Suppl4):e6612. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  14. Márquez MF, Gómez-Flores JR, González-Hermosillo JA, Ruíz-Siller TJ, Cárdenas M. [Role of the sympathetic nervous system in vasovagal syncope and rationale for beta-blockers and norepinephrine transporter inhibitors]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 29;16(Suppl4):e6824. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  15. Uribe W, Baranchuk A, Botero F. [Syncope: electrocardiogram and autonomic function tests]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 23;16(Suppl4):e6816. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  16. Tafur JD, Ventura HO. [Bidirectional impact of two chronic diseases: heart failure and diabetes mellitus]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 27;16(Suppl4):e6823. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  17. Rivas Estany E, Hernández García S. [Physical training in chronic heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical evolution]. Medwave 2016 Sep;16(Suppl4):e6517. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  18. Gómez M. [Image diagnosis of aortic valve disease: an update]. Medwave 2016;16(Suppl 4):e6530 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  19. Díaz Navarro R. [Heart failure: role of cardiovascular imaging]. Medwave.2016 Oct 11;16(Suppl4):e6552. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  20. Qaddoura A, Baranchuk A. Risk factors for post coronary artery bypass graft atrial fibrillation: role of obstructive sleep apnea. Medwave. 2016 Dec 21;16(Suppl4):e6810. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  21. Bayés de Luna A. [Supraventricular arrhythmia: electrocardiographic aspects]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 23;16(Suppl4):e6815. | CrossRef | PubMed |
  22. Marrugat J, Elosua R, Icaza G, Morales-Salinas A, Dégano IR. [Practicality of cardiovascular risk functions]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 13;16(Suppl4):e6792. | CrossRef | PubMed |
Piepoli MF, Hoes AW, Agewall S, Albus C, Brotons C, Catapano AL, et al. 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts)Developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR). Eur Heart J. 2016 Aug 1;37(29):2315-81. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Moran AE, Forouzanfar MH, Roth GA, Mensah GA, Ezzati M, Murray CJ, et al. Temporal trends in ischemic heart disease mortality in 21 world regions, 1980 to 2010: the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study. Circulation. 2014 Apr 8;129(14):1483-92. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Elosua R, Morales-Salinas A. Determinación del riesgo cardiovascular global. Caracterización, modelización y objetivos de la prevención cardiovascular según el contexto socio-geográfico. Rev Esp Cardiol Supl. 2011;11(E):2-12.

World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs who.int [on line]. | Link |

Fuster V, Voute J, Hunn M, Smith SC Jr. Low priority of cardiovascular and chronic diseases on the global health agenda: a cause for concern. Circulation. 2007 Oct 23;116(17):1966-70. | PubMed |

Morales Salinas A, Coca A. [Concerning World Heart Day]. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2006 Feb;59(2):184. | PubMed |

La OMS y los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. Who.int [on line]. | Link |

Bayés de Luna A, Tse TF, de Figueiredo MB, Maranhão M, Voûte J, Nishtar S, et al. World Heart Day: a World Heart Federation enterprise promoting the prevention of heart disease and stroke across the world. Circulation. 2003 Sep 2;108(9):1038-40. | PubMed |

Morales Salinas A, Coca A. [Obesity, physical activity and cardiovascular risk: ergoanthropometric classification, pharmacological variables, biomarkers and "obesity paradox"]. Med Clin (Barc). 2010 Apr 17;134(11):492-8. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, et al. A call to action and a lifecourse strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: the Lancet Commission on hypertension. Lancet. 2016 Nov 26;388(10060):2665-2712. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Varios autores. Especial Cardiología 2016. Especial cardiologia: septiembre-diciembre 2016. Medwave 2016 Sep;16(Suppl4). | Link |

Bertomeu-Martínez V. [Are therapeutic LDL goals justified? Controversies between the European and American guidelines]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 30;16(Suppl4):e6825. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Sobrino Martínez J, Doménech Feria-Carot M, Morales Salinas A, Coca Payeras A. [Hypertensive crisis: urgency and hypertensive emergency]. Medwave. 2016 Nov18;16(Suppl4):e6612. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Márquez MF, Gómez-Flores JR, González-Hermosillo JA, Ruíz-Siller TJ, Cárdenas M. [Role of the sympathetic nervous system in vasovagal syncope and rationale for beta-blockers and norepinephrine transporter inhibitors]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 29;16(Suppl4):e6824. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Uribe W, Baranchuk A, Botero F. [Syncope: electrocardiogram and autonomic function tests]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 23;16(Suppl4):e6816. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Tafur JD, Ventura HO. [Bidirectional impact of two chronic diseases: heart failure and diabetes mellitus]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 27;16(Suppl4):e6823. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Rivas Estany E, Hernández García S. [Physical training in chronic heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical evolution]. Medwave 2016 Sep;16(Suppl4):e6517. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Gómez M. [Image diagnosis of aortic valve disease: an update]. Medwave 2016;16(Suppl 4):e6530 | CrossRef | PubMed |

Díaz Navarro R. [Heart failure: role of cardiovascular imaging]. Medwave.2016 Oct 11;16(Suppl4):e6552. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Qaddoura A, Baranchuk A. Risk factors for post coronary artery bypass graft atrial fibrillation: role of obstructive sleep apnea. Medwave. 2016 Dec 21;16(Suppl4):e6810. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Bayés de Luna A. [Supraventricular arrhythmia: electrocardiographic aspects]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 23;16(Suppl4):e6815. | CrossRef | PubMed |

Marrugat J, Elosua R, Icaza G, Morales-Salinas A, Dégano IR. [Practicality of cardiovascular risk functions]. Medwave. 2016 Dec 13;16(Suppl4):e6792. | CrossRef | PubMed |