About Medwave

As of January 2011 (Volume 11, Issue 1), Medwave is a peer-reviewed, general biomedical, online-only, journal. It is fully open access.

Medwave publishes clinical practice updates, reviews on ethical issues or clinical, social, and economic health determinants, and research in clinical and biomedical fields, covering all major areas of medicine and medical sciences.

Until March 2013, Medwave issued 11 numbers a year, on the first day of the month, at 00:00 hours, with the exception of summer holiday, when a bimonthly came out.

As of April 2013, Medwave started publishing articles on an on-going basis. Articles are now posted on the journal’s homepage, as they are ready. At the end of the month, we collect all postings and create an issue with a cover page, which is then indexed in Past Issues.

The journal expects authors to comply with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ uniform requirements and to international guidelines and standards that strive to improve accuracy and transparency of biomedical reporting, such as STROBE, CONSORT, PRISMA, among others (please consult at EQUATOR-Network.


We strive to be a reference point for doctors, researchers, students, and policy makers, with the purpose of improving the quality of health care in our continent and in any area of the world where this publication can be accessed.

Our mission is to better the quality of clinical practice in Chile, Latin America and emerging countries with realities similar to ours, by bringing updated content available to physicians and other health professionals overcoming geographical and financial barriers.

We seek to improve the quality of scientific communication and research by making available to Spanish and English-speaking scholars and researchers a high quality journal that includes the latest technologies and editorial processes current in the field of biomedical publication.

Open access policy

Medwave not charge users for the right to see and read the articles in full text. In other words, the full content of Medwave is released and can be viewed by any reader, without the need to register.

However, if the reader wishes to receive table of content (TOC) alerts, download the PDF of an article, or post comments, then she or he must be registered. Registration in Medwave is free.

Medwave adheres to Creative Commons license, as shown at the bottom of each article.


Medwave is indexed by MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, DOAJ, Latindex and Google Scholar.


In order to ensure that online articles URLs will always be available, Medwave uses digital object identifiers (DOIs) provided by CrossRef.

In order to digitally preserve and store our collections, we deposit in Portico.

Official languages

Our journal is published in Spanish and English, but it also accept submissions in Portuguese if accompanied by an English version.

Medwave urges authors to submit their manuscripts in Spanish and English to enhance impact.

Medwave does not generate duplicate versions when articles are published in two languages, since there is a single citation and DOI assigned to both languages.

Continuing medical education

Medwave is also strongly committed to continuing medical education, which is expressed by e-Campus. Those interested can access training courses on various subjects such as evidence-based medicine, health management, nursing care management, among others.

E-Campus significantly contributes to the enhancement of work skills of our alumni and is an outstanding training option for both public and private health care providers, as well a stand-alone professionals.


Medwave was founded in 2000 in order to fill a void in continuing medical education in Chile, with special emphasis on clinical updates. Its original purpose was to become an interdisciplinary information resource for Spanish-speaking doctors in clinical practice.

Since its first edition in January 2001, Medwave has published 11 to 12 numbers a year, to date.

Medwave is catalogued by CONICYT under the ISSN 0717-6384. All articles are archived for future reference, making this and ideal resource for active practitioners.


Medwave is present in all Latin American countries and Spain. Most unique visitors come from Chile, and the rest from other countries such as Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Spain, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, and more.

In 2015, Medwave is registering around 15000 unique visits a day.

Over 55,000 health professionals are registered on our database, of which more than 90% choose to receive table of content alerts. About 20 health professionals register every day.

Article metrics

Medwave provides article-level metrics, which can be found under the Metrics tab. This service is provided by PLum Analytics™. Indicators are grouped under five categories: usage, citations, mentions, captures and social media. HTML views and PDF downloads for each article are found under the category “usage”, where robotic activity has been removed in order to provide a true idea of article impact. Often, metrics are hyperlinked to the source, where users can find further interesting information.

Author processing charges (APC)

Medwave reserves the right to charge author publication fees of their articles when the corresponding author declares that the conduct of the study being reported, or the preparation of the manuscript being submitted, had institutional funding or sponsorship.

The charges will be differentiated according to whether the funding body is public or non-profit, or private and for profit. The amounts are indicated below:

  • Non-profit or public sponsor: US $ 400 to publish the accepted Spanish version of the manuscript; US $ 150 to publish the English version.
  • For-profit or private sponsor: US $ 600 to publish the accepted English version of the manuscript; US $ 400 to publish the Spanish version. Both versions must be provided.

Payments will be made to Medwave Foundation and once the manuscript is accepted for publication. These charges do not cover the costs of translating articles. Good quality translations should be provided by the authors.

Further information and author instructions

In Spanish:

Editorial policies

Rejection rate and section policies

Author instructions

FAQ by authors

FAQ by peer reviewers

Journal sponsors and funding

Editor-in-chief and subeditor

Chile editorial board

International editorial board

Sections editors
