Editorial direction

Editor in chief: Vivienne C. Bachelet

Vivienne is an MD with a degree from the Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" and later revalidated at the Universidad de Chile (1986). She has a diploma in Interpretation of Results of Biomedical Literature and a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of La Frontera. Vivienne is currently an associate professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH), where she chairs the of Evidence-Based Medicine department. From 2007 to date, she has conducted health research in the private sector as project director and then as a researcher. Vivienne has founded productive companies throughout her career, mainly dedicated to health studies and e-learning for health professionals. In 2000 she founded the medical journal Medwave, of which she is currently co-editor-in-chief, together with Eva Madrid. Vivienne was a member of the COPE Council (Committee on Publication Ethics). from 2016 to 2019. She is currently a member of the Chilean Medical Association, the Chilean Health Economics Association, and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME. Vivienne actively participates in collaborative and international research projects. Her main lines of research are methods in clinical research, publication ethics and research integrity, and health policies.

Vivienne does not receive any payment from the journal for her work as editor-in-chief.

Contact her at vbachelet@medwave.cl or vivienne.bachelet@usach.cl.

View full profile on LinkedIn.
Follow it on Twitter: @V_Bachelet


Co-editor in chief: Eva Madrid

Eva Madrid is a Full Professor at the School of Medicine Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.  She earned her medical degree from the Universidad de Chile, and she holds a Master´s Degree and a Ph.D. degree in medicine from the Universidad de Granada, Spain.  Eva holds a postgraduate degree in Molecular Biology and a postgraduate diploma in Biostatistics from the Universidad de Chile. She completed her post doctorate research program at the Harvard School of Public Health during 2014-2015, where she is currently a visiting scholar. Eva currently researches on methodology and evidence-based medicine and is the director of the Cochrane Associate Centre at the Universidad de Valparaíso.  She is the chair of the Bioethics Committee at the FONDECYT program and is a member of the Institutional Review Board at Universidad de Valparaiso.  She is the director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Studies (CIESAL).

Eva's work as editor-in-chief is done on a pro bono basis.

Managing editor: Patricio Gomolán

Patricio Gomolán has a professional degree as Kinesiologist at Universidad Católica del Maule, as well as a master's degree in Clinical Epidemiology at Universidad de la Frontera from which he graduated on 2018, and a diploma on Research at Universidad del Desarrollo (2012). He has conducted clinical research and was awarded a grant by the FONIS fund in 2015, on the effectiveness of respiratory kinesitherapy on infants suffering from bronchiolitis. He has also worked as a reviewer for FONIS (Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo, Chile) research projects and has hand-on experience as on site study coordinator and for Medwave Estudios Limitada. Currently, he is working as an analyst and study coordinator at Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Contact him at editorial@medwave.cl

Statistical reviewers

Rosa Jiménez

Rosa Jiménez is a medical doctor who graduated from the University of Havana in 1973, and at the same university, she completed a three-year residency in biostatistics and graduated as a medical specialist in 1977. In 1985 she obtained the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences from the University of Carlos, Prague. She worked for more than 30 years in Cuba at the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, where she held the position of head of the Research Department. Her primary function was to participate as a researcher or adviser in the research projects that were carried out in the hospital and other Cuban health centers. She also taught postgraduate courses on research methodology and applied biostatistics, as well as evidence-based medicine. She has more than 60 publications in indexed medical journals. She has taught more than 50 postgraduate courses in Cuba and other countries. She is currently a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile, where she teaches research methodology, biostatistics, and public health for nursing students.

When acting as a peer reviewer, Rosa does not receive honoraria from the journal. However, she may be remunerated when a statistical and methodological review is commissioned.

Marisol Navarrete Couble

Marisol graduated as a physician from the University of Chile in 1976. Later she earned a Master's degree in biostatistics and methodology of biomedical research delivered by the University of Paris XI, France. Her involvement in clinical research started in 1985 while working in a teaching hospital in Paris, where clinical trials were conducted during the early days of the AIDS pandemic. She joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1989, working for Wellcome Laboratories in Paris. She then moved to the United Kingdom Wellcome's headquarters, where she spent two years as a Medical Manager for anti-HIV compounds under development. In 1996, she moved to Brazil and worked as Medical Advisor for Abbott Laboratories. Later, as an independent consultant, she worked as a Senior Instructor for Quintiles offices in Latin America, reporting to Quintiles' headquarters in RTP, North Carolina. Back in Chile, she joined GSK in March 2003 as a Medical Advisor in charge of Vaccines R&D and Medical Affairs activities for Chile and Peru. In 2006, she moved to the public sector and was appointed Executive Director of FONIS, the funding program for health research at CONICYT-Chile, a position she left in 2010. Since then, she has been acting as an independent consultant for public and private entities involved in clinical research. Recently, she has become actively involved in teaching as a lecturer in the Evidence-Based Medicine department at the Universidad de Santiago's School of Medicine in Chile, where she is also involved in several research projects.

Marisol's work for the journal is done on a pro bono basis.


None of the associate editors are payed by the journal. Their work is strictly on a pro bono basis.


Marcelo Arancibia Meza

Marcelo holds an MD degree from Universidad de Valparaíso School of Medicine, Chile. He has a general biostatistics diploma and an advanced biostatistics diploma from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is a resident of Adult Psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry at the Universidad de Valparaíso School of Medicine. Marcelo’s research is focused on psychiatry and evidenced-based medicine with primary and secondary research methods. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Health of the Universidad de Valparaíso School of Medicine, principal investigator of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Studies (CIESAL) of the Universidad de Valparaíso, member of the Associated Cochrane Centre of the Universidad de Valparaíso, and a full member of the Universidad de Valparaíso Institutional Review Board for Research in Human Beings.

Miguel Araujo Alonso

Miguel Araujo is an MD who graduated from the University of Valparaíso in 1985 and has a Master's Degree in Clinical Epidemiology from the Universidad de la Frontera. He worked as a clinical physician in the Emergency Room of the Los Andes Hospital for more than 20 years, was an advisor to the Ministry of Health for many years and a founding member of the Health Technology Assessment Unit of that institution, participating in the development of systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines, training programs for public sector personnel on evidence-based medicine and related subjects. Miguel is an associate professor of the Masters in Public Health at the Universidad Mayor, teaching health research methodologies. He has also been a Pan American Health Organization consultant for systematic reviews. He is currently Quality Director of Clínica Indisa, a high-complexity private medical hospital in Santiago de Chile.

Carlos Becerra Verdugo

Medical Doctor graduated from the University of Chile (2001) and a specialist in Public Health from the School of Public Health of the University of Chile (2011), with a diploma in Research Ethics from Pontificia Universidad Católica. Carlos has a 20-year career in the public healthcare system, having worked in various regions of Chile, and various roles. He is currently working in the Reloncaví Health Service as a public health physician with interest in the development of the public health sector, especially:

  • Planning and management of human resources for health, as well as evaluation and implementation of incentives for public service;
  • Management and development of pre-hospital care in Chile with emphasis on the creation of a national system that ensures access to the entire population, closely coordinated with the other civil protection agencies;
  • Management and development of rural health, especially in the program called “Médicos Generales de Zona,” an instrument of equity and humanization of medicine, where he was a general physician in the rural Hospital Graneros (2002-2008);
  • Member of the Ibero-American Forum of Experts on Rural Health since 2006.
  • Pre and Postgraduate teaching in Public Health and Epidemiology, in various Universities, currently at the Universidad de Los Lagos.

Consultant in Health Human Resources for different organizations (PAHO, Ministry of Health, ORAS-CONHU). Reviewer for different publications in the public health area (WHO Bulletin, Pan American Journal of Public Health, Revista Chilena de Salud Pública, Cuadernos Médico Sociales, and the Journal of Rural and Remote Health. Carlos is also a member of the Latin American Editorial Panel of the Rural and Remote Health Journal since 2016. He is also a member of the Chilean Public Health Society. Member (2019) and President of the Research Ethical Committee of the Reloncavi Health Service (2020).

Felipe Cardemil Morales

Felipe holds an MD degree from Universidad de Valparaiso School of Medicine. He did his residency in otolaryngology and a fellowship in sleep medicine at Universidad de Chile School of Medicine, and then he did an Applied Biostatistics Diploma and a Ph.D. in Public Health at Universidad de Chile School of Public Health. Subsequently, he pursued fellowship training in head and neck surgery in Australia and head and neck surgical oncology and reconstruction in Toronto. His research is focused on epidemiology and public policies in head and neck cancer, and in clinical outcomes of treatment in adult obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Yorschua Jalil

Yorschua is a physical therapist who graduated from the Catholic University of Maule in Talca. Motivated by his patients and by the conviction that science should serve society, he has been following a career track to contribute to the body of knowledge of healthcare disciplines. He completed a diploma in research methodology and biostatistics, a diploma in physical therapy in the Intensive Care Unit, and a Master of Science in clinical epidemiology from the Universidad de la Frontera. In search of new frontiers, he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in medical sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to intensive care research and research methodology. Additionally, he holds a position as a researcher at the Hospital Josefina Martínez. He defines himself as "an enthusiastic researcher convinced that we must respond to local needs through a solid scientific base."

Fernando Manríquez Vergara

Fernando is an Internist and Masters in Clinical Epidemiology. He began his medical studies at “Universidad de La Frontera,” where he was part of an association of medical students that organized several courses in various medical areas. There, Fernando was also part of the editorial committee of the local student journal. After graduating, he worked as a general practitioner in primary care for three years, where he participated in different health care programs. Fernando completed his Masters of Clinical Epidemiology at Universidad de La Frontera and finished the specialization of internal medicine at Universidad Austral de Chile. He currently works as a resident internist in Los Ríos Health Service, Chile. Fernando is passionate about providing high-quality, respectful, and humane medical care. He has learned to value the importance of evidence-based medicine both for its primary role in clinical decision-making, research methods, and critical appraisal.

Tania Herrera

Tania Herrera is a Medical doctor graduated in University of Chile, specialist and Master in Public Health and MBA from the same university.

She is currently the Coordinator of the Antimicrobial Resistance National Plan  in the Ministry of Health and works as a professor of public health, epidemiology and health administration at Diego Portales University.



Technical editor: Elena Lagos Garcés

Elena has a degree in Hispanic Language and Literature from the University of Chile. She also holds a degree in Social Communication and Journalism, Universidad de Chile. He holds a Master's degree in Latin American Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de Chile and has vast experience in the world of communications, especially in the area of health, both in public and private institutions. He has participated in the dissemination of preventive health campaigns such as "Ceasefire" aimed at preventing burns by fireworks, and winter campaigns. She has several publications in the field of creation (children's stories) and research. In the latter area, he has been involved in research on triangular international cooperation between NGOs and state agents. He has also participated in the publication of several books of cultural and heritage rescue at the local level, such as atlas communal and text of recovery of oral tradition. Currently, he works as a journalist in the content area of the Municipality of Maipú where he develops the construction of discursive guidelines. It also generates products to position brand and institutional character through various supports such as books, diptychs and others. Since February 2012, he has been technical editor of the articles published in Medwave according to the editorial line of the magazine.

English technical editor: Maximo Rousseau Portalis

Maximo Rousseau Portalis is a medical student at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), currently in his seventh year. He is an assistant professor of Pharmacology and a member of the Laboratory of Applied Statistics in Health Sciences (LEACS) of the same institution. He is currently participating in projects on cardiovascular biomechanics at the Bioengineering Research and Development Group (GIBIO) of the National Technological University (UTN) in Argentina. Since 2021 he has been working as english technical editor in Medwave.

Technical editor: Amaya Goyenechea

Amaya was born and race in Santiago, Chile.

She did her studies of Violin Performance in Israel, graduated from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and dance in the year 2018. 

Currently she is perusing a master degree in Violin performance.

Amaya joined the group of Editors on September 2021, as a technical editor.

Editorial publishing: Rodrigo Núñez Vargas

Rodrigo is a superior technician in Libraries and Documentation Centers graduated from the Technical Training Center of the Universidad Técnológica Metropolitana. In the professional field, he has worked mainly in public information units and private higher education institutions. He was part of the work team responsible for the management, development, and subsequent implementation of the historical archive of the College of Librarians of Chile. Since he arrived at Medwave, he has been responsible for coordinating the process of standardizing images and tables, standardizing bibliographic references, publishing the journal's articles, and indexing in different databases. Rodrigo is an inveterate music lover, with a preference for Heavy Metal and an amateur guitarist. In his spare time, he watches cult movies and reads Horror, Fantasy and Science fiction novels and Comics books. 

Handling editors

Daniela Tamayo

Daniela Tamayo Yáñez is a documentary librarian, with a degree in library science and information management from Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, currently speciamizing in research methodology and scientific publications at the Cientific Society of Bibliometrics and Scientometrics.

She considers herself a curious, creative and dreamy person, with great interest in environmental sustainability as well as vegan and vegetarian foods; she is also a yoga and aerial yoga practitioner.

Since March 2022, she has assumed the role of Medwave section editor, intensifying its attraction to the production and conduct of scientific activity.

Camilo Urzúa

Camilo is a medical student at the University of Santiago de Chile, currently in his fourth year of career. He has served for the past two years as an assistant to Normal Human Anatomy, in addition to showing a keen interest in research and scientific publications. Camilo is passionate about medicine, dogs, and sports and plays tennis actively. Since January 2020, he has been working in Medwave, first as an editorial publishing assistant and from October 2021 he started working as a handling editor.

Diego Silva

Diego Silva is a Bachelor of Science and Humanities from the University of Santiago of Chile. He is currently in his 4th year of Medicine at the same University. Starting in 2020, he began to work as a handling editor in Medwave.

Former editors

Tania Herrera

Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Barcelona, Spain.

Nicolás Meza

Nicolás is a physician from the Universidad de Valparaíso (graduated in 2019) and is part of the team of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Studies at the School of Medicine of the Universidad de Valparaíso. During his career, his interest in research and evidence-based medicine led him to participate in consultancies for PAHO, publish articles, and attend international conferences such as the Global Evidence Summit (Cape Town, ZA) and the 25th (Edinburgh, UK) and 26th (Santiago, CL) Cochrane Colloquia. His areas of interest are psychiatry and neurobiology.

Patricia Álvarez Cantwell

Patricia is a pediatrician and neonatologist resident and the Neonatal Unit of the Hospital Base in Puerto Montt. Participates in the teaching activities of the Unit since the Hospital is a clinical field and trains doctors and pediatrics scholarship holders. She is also a pediatrician at the German Clinic in Puerto Varas. Previously, she was Chief of Neonatology at Coyhaique Regional Hospital for 15 years. She was the only doctor in the small unit (10 places) that has an excellent work team. Together, they were able to match and even surpass the national figures for neonatal morbidity and mortality. She is motivated by caring for critically ill newborns and supporting their families, because being in a position where what is done is really a contribution to the well-being of another human being is a privilege and a duty. He is a member of the Chilean Society of Pediatrics and an International Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Last update

april 20, 2022