Living FRIendly Summaries of the Body of Evidence using Epistemonikos (FRISBEE)
Medwave 2017;17(Suppl1):e6867 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.6867
Is glucosamine effective for osteoarthritis?
Stephanie Harrison-Muńoz, Valentina Rojas-Briones, Sebastián Irarrázaval
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Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent chronic articular disease, in which pain is one of the main symptoms and a major determinant of functional loss. Several therapeutic options have been proposed, including glucosamine, but its actual usefulness has not yet been established. To answer this question, we searched in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening multiple databases. We identified 11 systematic reviews including 35 randomized trials answering the question of interest. We extracted data, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. We concluded it is not clear whether glucosamine decreases pain or improves functionality in osteoarthritis because the certainty of the evidence is very low.


Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint disease in the world, and is associated with progressive and chronic joint cartilage damage. During the last few years several pharmacological treatments have emerged, including glucosamine, an endogenous aminosaccharide that would slow down the proteoglycan constituents of the articular cartilage, avoiding alterations in its structure that contribute to the degenerative process. The exogenous administration of glucosamine would allow a restoration of the cartilage, which would translate into a clinical improvement. However, its actual effectiveness in osteoarthritis has not yet been clearly established.


We used Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening multiple databases, to identify systematic reviews and their included primary studies. With this information, we generated a structured summary using a pre-established format, which includes key messages, a summary of the body of evidence (presented as an evidence matrix in Epistemonikos), meta-analysis of the total of studies, a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach, and a table of other considerations for decision-making.

Key messages

  • It is not clear whether glucosamine decreases pain or improves functionality in osteoarthritis because the certainty of the evidence is very low.
  • Existing systematic reviews do not incorporate a substantial number of existing trials, so a new review could provide further insights.
About the body of evidence for this question

What is the evidence.
See evidence matrix  in Epistemonikos later

We found 11 systematic reviews [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7], [8],[9],[10],[11], including 35 randomized controlled trials, reported in 36 references [12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18], [19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30], [31],[32],[33],[34],[35],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42], [43],[44],[45],[46],[47].

What types of patients were included

Twenty-seven trials included outpatients [15],[16],[17],[19], [20],[21],[22],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30],[31],[32], [33],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41] ,[42],[43],[45],[47], four trials inpatients [12],[13],[14],[18] and in four trials this information was not described [23],[34],[44],[46].

Twenty-nine trials included patients with knee
osteoarthritis [16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27] [28],[30],[31],[32],[33],[34],[36],[37],[38],
[39],[41],[42],[43],[44],[45],[46],[47], one trial included patients with hip osteoarthritis [40], one trial included patients with osteoarthritis at more than one site [14] and in four trials this information was not described [12],[13],[15],[29].

What types of interventions were included

Twenty-nine trials used glucosamine sulfate [12],[13],[14], [15],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29], [31],[32],[33],[34],[36],[37],[38],[40],[41] ,[42], [43],[44], [45],[46], five trials glucosamine hydrochloride [23],[24],[30], [39],[47], and in one trial this information was not described [16].

Regarding dosing, twenty-eight trials used 1500 mg/day [14], [15],[17],[18],[19],[21],[22],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29], [31],[32],[33],[34],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42],[43], [44],[47], two trials used 1500 mg/day for seven days followed by 400 mg/day for the rest of the treatment duration [12],[13], two trials used 2000 mg/day [30],[45], one trial 400 mg two times per week [20] and in two trials this information was not described [16],[23].

In thirty-one trials the route of administration was oral [14], [15],[17],[18],[19],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28], [29],[30],[31],[32],[33],[34],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41], [42],[43],[44],[45],[46],[47], in one trial intraarticular [16], in other trial intramuscular [20], in other trial intraarticular or intramuscular followed by oral administration [12] and in other intramuscular or intravenous followed by oral administration [13].

Four trials reported that patients received adjuvant therapy in addition to glucosamine: acetaminophen [24],[45], naproxen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or acetyl salicylic acid [29], and exercise [44].

The duration of treatment was on average 30 weeks, with a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of three years. One trial did not report this information [23].

Twenty-nine trials compared against placebo [12],[14],[15], [16],[19],[20],[21],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30], [31],[32],[33],[36],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42],[43],[44],[45], [46],[47], three trials compared glucosamine with ibuprofen [17],[18],[22], one trial compared to piperazine/chlorbutanol for seven days followed by two weeks of placebo [13], one trial compared glucosamine sulfate against glucosamine hydrochloride [34], and one trial against Uncaria guianens (herbal supplement known as "cat's claw") [37].

What types of outcomes
were measured

The outcomes pooled by the systematic reviews identified were pain, Lequesne's index, WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index) pain subscale, WOMAC stiffness subscale, WOMAC functionality subscale, and WOMAC total, minimum joint space width, overall assessment of the disease by the patient and by the physician and drug toxicity.

Summary of findings

The effects of glucosamine are based on 21 randomized trials that, in total, included 2,691 patients. The other trials did not report any outcome of interest, or did not present the information in a way it could be incorporated in a meta-analysis. Twenty-one trials [12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[21],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29], [31],[32],[33],[36],[38],[40],[41],[44],[46] measured pain (2,691 patients) and 12 trials [24],[26],[27],[28],[29],[31],[32],[36],[38],[40],[41],[44] reported functionality (2,105 patients). Adverse effects were obtained directly from one of the systematic reviews identified [5], since it was not possible to extract more information from the other reviews. The summary of findings is as follows:

  • It is unclear whether glucosamine decreases pain in osteoarthritis because the certainty of the evidence is very low.
  • It is unclear whether glucosamine improves functionality in osteoarthritis because the certainty of the evidence is very low.
  • Glucosamine has no adverse effects or these are minimal. The certainty of the evidence is high.

Other considerations for decision-making

To whom this evidence does and does not apply

  • Although the intent of this summary was to encompass all possible joints, most of the primary studies focus on knee osteoarthritis. However, in the absence of direct evidence for other articulations, it is reasonable to extrapolate the conclusions of this summary. Therefore, the evidence presented in this summary is broadly applicable to patients with osteoarthritis.
About the outcomes included in this summary
  • The chosen outcomes were pain and functionality because they are the critical outcomes for decision-making on the use of glucosamine. This selection is based on the opinion of the authors of this summary, but generally agrees with the outcomes mentioned by the systematic reviews and clinical guidelines.
  • No radiological outcomes were selected because they are surrogate outcomes and do not necessarily lead to clinical outcomes.
Balance between benefits and risks, and certainty of the evidence
  • It is not possible to make an appropriate balance between benefits and risks because of the uncertainty about benefits.
What would patients and their doctors think about this intervention
  • Faced with the evidence presented in this summary, most patients and clinicians should lean against the use of this intervention.
  • However, in the absence of clearly effective therapeutic alternatives, there may be variability in clinical decisions made by individual patients. Those who favor more the possible benefit, even if it is not proven, could lean in favor of the intervention. Those who privilege more the certainty of the evidence or the costs, possibly lean against.
  • There should be less variability in the decisions made by clinicians given the recommendations against the use of this intervention in the main guidelines.
Resource considerations
  • It is not possible to make an appropriate balance between benefits and costs because of the uncertainty about benefits.

Differences between this summary and other sources

  • The findings of the different systematic reviews differ from each other; five of them [1],[2],[4],[9],[11] report that it would have an effect on one of the two critical decision-making outcomes selected for this summary (pain and functionality), although some highlight there is high risk of bias. In contrast, three reviews [3],[6],[8] indicate it would have no effect on any of the aforementioned outcomes. On the other hand, two systematic reviews [7],[10] did not measure relevant clinical outcomes, only substitutes. Finally, the Cochrane review [5] indicates there would be no effects derived from the use of glucosamine in general, but suggests that a specific preparation would present better results. It is important to note that all reviews identified have important limitations, either in their completeness, methodological quality or degree of updating.
  • The conclusions of this summary are consistent with the main international guidelines on osteoarthritis. The guidelines of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) [48] state it does not modify the disease for all patients and its usefulness for the management of symptoms is uncertain. The guideline of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) [49] does not recommend the use of glucosamine for patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.
Could this evidence change in the future?
  • The probability that future research changes the conclusions of this summary is very high, due to the uncertainty of the current evidence.
  • There are at least 15 ongoing studies [50],[51],[52],[53],[54],[55],[56],[57],[58],[59],[60],[61],[62],[63],[64], evaluating the use of glucosamine in osteoarthritis according to the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform of the World Health Organization.
  • A new systematic review with high methodological quality, including all existing trials, could provide further insights into this issue.
How we conducted this summary

Using automated and collaborative means, we compiled all the relevant evidence for the question of interest and we present it as a matrix of evidence.

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The authors do not have relevant interests to declare.

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La artrosis es la enfermedad articular crónica que presenta mayor prevalencia, en la cual el dolor es uno de los principales síntomas y el mayor determinante de la pérdida de funcionalidad. Se han planteado múltiples opciones terapéuticas, entre ellas la glucosamina, pero su real utilidad aún no ha sido claramente establecida. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos, identificamos 11 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 35 estudios aleatorizados que responden la pregunta de este resumen. Extrajimos la información relevante, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro que la glucosamina disminuya el dolor o mejore la funcionalidad en la artrosis porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja.

Authors: Stephanie Harrison-Muńoz[1,2], Valentina Rojas-Briones[1,2], Sebastián Irarrázaval[2,3]

[1] Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
[2] Proyecto Epistemonikos, Santiago, Chile
[3] Departamento de Traumatología, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile


Author address:
[1] Escuela de Medicina
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Diagonal Paraguay 362
Oficina 310
Santiago Centro

Citation: Harrison-Muńoz S, Rojas-Briones V, Irarrázaval S. Is glucosamine effective for osteoarthritis?. Medwave 2017;17(Suppl1):e6867 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.6867

Submission date: 27/12/2016

Acceptance date: 27/12/2016

Publication date: 15/3/2017

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  42. Giordano N, Fioravanti A, Papakostas P, Montella A, Giorgi G, Nuti R. The efficacy and tolerability of glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp. 2009 Jun;70(3):185-96 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  43. Sawitzke AD, Shi H, Finco MF, Dunlop DD, Harris CL, Singer NG, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, their combination, celecoxib or placebo taken to treat osteoarthritis of the knee: 2-year results from GAIT. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Aug;69(8):1459-64 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  44. Durmus D, Alayli G, Bayrak IK, Canturk F. Assessment of the effect of glucosamine sulfate and exercise on knee cartilage using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2012;25(4):275-84 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  45. Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G, Sarmukkaddam S, Venugopalan A, Narsimulu G, et al. Ayurvedic medicine offers a good alternative to glucosamine and celecoxib in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled equivalence drug trial. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013 Aug;52(8):1408-17 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  46. Madhu K, Chanda K, Saji MJ. Safety and efficacy of Curcuma longa extract in the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Inflammopharmacology. 2013 Apr;21(2):129-36 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  47. Kwoh CK, Roemer FW, Hannon MJ, Moore CE, Jakicic JM, Guermazi A, et al. Effect of oral glucosamine on joint structure in individuals with chronic knee pain: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Apr;66(4):930-9 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  48. McAlindon TE, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, Arden NK, Berenbaum F, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014 Mar;22(3):363-88 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  49. Brown GA. AAOS clinical practice guideline: treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: evidence-based guideline, 2nd edition. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2013 Sep;21(9):577-9 | CrossRef | PubMed |
  50. Yuenyongviwat V. Effect of crystalline glucosamine sulfate on intraocular pressure in patient with knee osteoarthritis: a prospective randomized controlled trial. TCTR20140528002 | Link |
  51. Bonakdaran S. Effect of Oral Glucosamine on glucose and insulin levels in patients with osteoarthritis. IRCT201304284167N5 | Link |
  52. Yuxin Z. Multicenter clinical study of knee osteoarthritis by external comprehensive treatment. ChiCTR-TRC-13004418 | Link |
  53. Aminian A. Efficacy of Glucosamine in knee osteoarthrosis. IRCT201111014203N2 | Link |
  54. Kulkarni C. A clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of NRINF02 (Turmeric/haldi) Glucosamine sulphate and combination of these two in the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis. CTRI/2010/091/001251 | Link |
  55. Newton C. Effects of Glucosamine on Joint Fluid in Osteoarthritis Patients. NCT01074476 | Link |
  56. Petersen S. Effect of Glucosamine or Ibuprofen Combined With Physical Training in Patients With Knee-Osteoarthritis. NCT00833157 | Link |
  57. Topical treatment of hand osteoarthritis with glucosamine cream. EUCTR2004-004885-33-BE | Link |
  58. Sambrook P. The Effect of Glucosamine Sulphate on Structural Disease Progression in Knee Osteoarthritis and the Cost-effectiveness of Glucosamine Sulphate for Knee Arthritis. NCT00513422 | Link |
  59. Kent Kwoh C. Effect of Glucosamine on Joint Structure and Quality of Life (JOG). NCT00377286 | Link |
  60. Liane A. Prevention of Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females. NTR679 | Link |
  61. Dey MP. Can we introduce evidence based prescribing of complementary drug therapies into primary care? A randomised controlled trial. ISRCTN19338940 | Link |
  62. Bierma-Zeinstra S. Glucosamine in osteoarthritis: long-term effectiveness. ISRCTN54513166 | Link |
  63. Glukosaminsulfat og hyperkolesterolćmi. EUCTR2005-000541-11-DK | Link |
  64. Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT). NCT00032890 | Link |
  65. McAlindon TE, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, Arden NK, Berenbaum F, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014 Mar;22(3):363-88 | CrossRef | PubMed |
McAlindon TE, LaValley MP, Gulin JP, Felson DT. Glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment of osteoarthritis: a systematic quality assessment and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2000 Mar 15;283(11):146 -75 | PubMed |

Ruane R, Griffiths P. Glucosamine therapy compared to ibuprofen for joint pain. Br J Community Nurs. 2002 Mar;7(3):148-52 | PubMed |

Richy F, Bruyere O, Ethgen O, Cucherat M, Henrotin Y, Reginster JY. Structural and symptomatic efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin in knee osteoarthritis: a comprehensive meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Jul 14;163(13):1514-22 | PubMed |

Poolsup N, Suthisisang C, Channark P, Kittikulsuth W. Glucosamine long-term treatment and the progression of knee osteoarthritis: systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Ann Pharmacother. 2005 Jun;39(6):1080-7 | PubMed |

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