Letters to the editor
Medwave 2017 Ago;17(7):e7017 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.07.7017
Neurodevelopment in the hospitalized newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Joshuan Barboza Meca
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Dear editor:

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is responsible for caring for a newborn with different health problems and in which vital integrity is at risk, making it inherent to the inadequate transition from fetal to extrauterine life, rupture of the mother dyad - Pathophysiological implication in neonatal homeostasis, have a high chaotic impact on the neurodevelopment of the newborn. The hospitalization of a newborn, the sea due to prematurity or other pathologies, is a very significant psychic stress for families that may hinder or alter the beginning of the relationship-parentage relationship and for that effect have a negative effect on development Psychomotor and affective Posterior [1].

When I refer to chaos, I am not talking about involution or negative results, but about a complexity of almost unpredictable phenomena. And is that the neonatal stage is precisely a transition that, in 28 days, virtually defines the progress of its growth and development.

And we must not only think about the implications of the pathophysiological factors or maternal antecedents that affect the newborn in its neurodevelopment, but also on one of the main elements that influence positively or negatively in the hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit.

From 2011 to 2017, in my reviews and systematic analysis of the results of neurodevelopment determined by the progressive achievement of the milestones of psychomotor development, has had the opportunity to observe and confirm that there are stressors, protectors and stimulants of neurodevelopment in newborns In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The purpose of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is to expel care strategies to save the newborn's life, improve their condition, and allow effective future psychomotor development, whose purpose is crucial to improving their quality of life to ensure a vital process without sequelae. Recall that the main phenomenon of intensive care unit study is the motor of development, so the main strategy developed is the creation of the Early Stimulation unit, which is the hospital area to positively transform the status of the child [2].

Thus, postural care, communication of the newborn, the environmental characteristics of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the knowledge / sensitivity of health professionals and the main caregivers are the elements that constitute the principle of Achievement of results Optimal for Neurodevelopment, Only when there is harmony between these elements.


From the editor
The author originally submitted this article in Spanish and English. The Journal has not copyedited this English version.

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The author states that he has no conflict of interest related to this letter.

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Autor: Joshuan Barboza Meca [1]

[1] Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Perú

E-mail: jbarbozameca@icloud.com

Author address:
[1] Juan del Corral 937
Urbanización El Bosque
La Libertad
CP 13007

Citation: Barboza Meca J. Neurodevelopment in the hospitalized newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Medwave 2017 Ago;17(7):e7017 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.07.7017

Publication date: 21/8/2017

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  1. Olza Fernández I, Palanca Maresca I, González-Villalobos Rincón I, Malalana Martínez AM, Contreras Sales A. La salud mental del recién nacido hospitalizado: psiquiatría infantil en neonatología. C Med Psicosom. 2014;(109):45-52. | Link |
  2. Barboza J. Implicancias de la UCI neonatal en el neurodesarrollo del recién nacido. Intramed Journal. 2015;5(1). | Link |
Olza Fernández I, Palanca Maresca I, González-Villalobos Rincón I, Malalana Martínez AM, Contreras Sales A. La salud mental del recién nacido hospitalizado: psiquiatría infantil en neonatología. C Med Psicosom. 2014;(109):45-52. | Link |

Barboza J. Implicancias de la UCI neonatal en el neurodesarrollo del recién nacido. Intramed Journal. 2015;5(1). | Link |