Letters to the editor
Medwave 2017;17(2):e6881 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.02.6881
Letters to the editor in medical research
Irina Suley Tirado Pérez , Andrea Carolina Zárate Vergara
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Dear Editor:

Doing one of the many daily readings to your prestigious magazine we would like to refer to a letter to the editor entitled: "Are the letters really useful to the editor?" (doi: 10.5867/medwave.2016.06.6502) having in account that the dissemination of scientific knowledge does by several means, and where the most usual is written publication of articles in journals. One of the aspects of communication is that it can be bidirectional, that is, be interactive between the researchers. In scientific journals, this exchange is carried out by means of so-called letters to the director or publisher of the publication [1].

A significant portion of the letters to the editor or correspondence could be included within the classification of scientific articles generally referred to as comments or criticisms. As its name indicates, in them a author comments or criticizes an earlier work published by other researchers, which keeps the evaluation active of the research work mentioned. Without however, it must be borne in mind that it is not opinion; it is also part of a valuation process. As the author mentions, the usefulness of these letters is can appreciate previous results which is supremely useful in long-term research, allowing to delve into relevant issues of great utility in the scientific community. There is no doubt that the letters to the director managed in this way can be considered as a continuation of the review process of the manuscript and, therefore, considerably increase the quality of the publication [1],[2].

Increasingly rigorous evaluation processes for the publication of letters to the editor, reducing any type of error or bias. The usefulness of this publication in medical research plays a role focused on the dissemination of the scientific knowledge in an abbreviated way and conciseness of a particular topic, which is generally great interest for all.

In conclusion and in full agreement with the letter to the editor mentioned above, we believe that this space in the process of dissemination of information is important, as well as to disseminate its importance to all levels of education making a space for collaboration for a common good as mentioned at all levels and possible spaces.


From the editor
The authors originally submitted this article in Spanish and English. The Journal has not copyedited this English version.

Declaration of conflicts of interest
Authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Authors declare no funding for this letter.

Editor's comment
In effect, the journal does not publish so-called scientific letters, i.e., those that anticipate research results. The journal does not send out for peer review letters or comments.

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Autores: Irina Suley Tirado Pérez [1], Andrea Carolina Zárate Vergara [1 ]

[1] Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Doña Pilar, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja, Universidad de Santander, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

E-mail: irinasuley@gmail.com

Author address:
[1] Bruselas Transversal 36 25-49
Cartagena de Indias

Citation: Tirado Pérez IS , Zárate Vergara AC . Letters to the editor in medical research. Medwave 2017;17(2):e6881 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2017.02.6881

Publication date: 10/3/2017

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  1. S. Erill, La carta al director. En: Redacción científica en biomedicina: lo que hay saber Cuadernos de la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve; 2007:99-101. [on line] | Link |
  2. Dominguez-Lara SA. Letter to editor, are they really useful?. Medwave. Jul 2016;16(6):e6502. | CrossRef | PubMed |
S. Erill, La carta al director. En: Redacción científica en biomedicina: lo que hay saber Cuadernos de la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve; 2007:99-101. [on line] | Link |

Dominguez-Lara SA. Letter to editor, are they really useful?. Medwave. Jul 2016;16(6):e6502. | CrossRef | PubMed |